Other works

“Tender Nightmare”

By Ray E. Spencer


The Tender and Playlen families were just two of many trying to carve out calm and fruitful existences in a nice place…But death, evil death, came as powerful opponent: The horror and mystery begins when some of the local residents start to turn up dead. The suspects are varied: the suspicious are all present or past employees of Lakeside Elementary School in Saint Petersburg, a small resort town in west central Florida. The story takes place nine years after the end of one of the deadliest wars in history: World War II. The personal problem for Tim and Todd Tender–fraternal twins–develops when their two best friends, Dink and Link Playlen–identical twins–are kidnapped. Both sets of brothers, precocious to say the least, had recently started their sixth-grade, big-shot year at Lakeside. Because of an extremely incompetent sheriff and his under-sheriff (the only law in the tiny town), the Tenders, with the aid of an Annie Oakley-wannabe teacher, are left to rescue their buddies before they become additional deadly scenes in the community’s nightmare….

Available on: amazon.com; barnesandnoble.com; bamm.com; goodreads.com; books.google.com; and others. Ray also has two screenplays for film negotiating purposes based on his books, “Tender Nightmare” and “The Stolen Manuscript.”

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